Source code for project

import threading
import logging
import time
import random
import numpy as np
import struct
import binascii

[docs] class Project(threading.Thread): """Project class. Manages the project operations. It's created a thread to each project configured. Attributes: name (str): The project name. config (dict): The project configuration. lora (LoRa): The LoRa object. baseBand (str): The LoRa base-band. authMode (str): The LoRa authentication mode. """ def __init__(self, name, cfg, loraObj, loraBaseBand, loraAuthMode): """Project class constructor. Parameters: name (str): The project name. cfg (dict): The project configuration. loraObj (LoRa): The LoRa object. loraBaseBand (str): The LoRa base-band. loraAuthMode (str): The LoRa authentication mode. """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) # Projec name = name # Projec configuration self.config = cfg # LoRa object self.lora = loraObj # LoRa base band self.baseBand = loraBaseBand # LoRa authentication mode self.authMode = loraAuthMode
[docs] def set_bit(self, number, position): """Create a mask with a bit setted to 1 at a desired position. Parameters: number (int): The number to set the bit. position (int): The bit position to set. Returns: int: The number with the bit setted. """ mask = 1 << position result = number | mask return result
[docs] def run(self): """Run method.""" # Waits for a random time to unsynchronize the threads time.sleep(random.randint(5,10)) # Start thread"Starting %s project thread", print("\t\tStarting {} project thread".format( # Process looping joined = False while True: # Lock LoRa object self.lora.lock.acquire()"Running %s project thread", # Configure TTN project parameters self.lora.setDevEUI(self.config.get("dev_eui")) self.lora.setAppEUI(self.config.get("app_eui")) if self.authMode == "LWABP": self.lora.setDevAddr(self.config.get("dev_addr")) self.lora.setNwkSKey(self.config.get("nwks_key")) self.lora.setAppSKey(self.config.get("apps_key")) elif self.authMode == "LWOTAA": self.lora.setAppKey(self.config.get("app_key")) if joined == False: while self.lora.sendJoinRequest() == False: pass joined = True # Configure LoRa project parameters self.lora.setLoRaTXPower(self.config.get("tx_power")) self.lora.setLoRaUPDatarate(self.config.get("uplink_dr")) self.lora.setLoRaADR(self.config.get("adr")) # Create a list of messages payloads tx_queue = [] payload = "" count = 0 for id in self.config.get("sensor_list"): # Define the data size if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int8" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint8": size = 1 elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int16" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint16" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "float_int15" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "float_uint16": size = 2 elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int32" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint32" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "float": size = 4 # Check if data is putted into the same message or a new is created if (count + size <= self.lora.getLoRaMaxPayload(self.baseBand, self.config.get("uplink_dr"))): count += size else: tx_queue.append(payload) payload = "" count = size # INT8 (-128 ~ 127) # UINT8 (0 ~ 255) if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int8" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint8": min_value = self.config[id]["min_value"] max_value = self.config[id]["max_value"] if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int8": if min_value < -128: min_value = -128 if max_value > 127: max_value = 127 if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint8": if min_value < 0: min_value = 0 if max_value > 255: max_value = 255 value = random.randint(min_value, max_value) payload += "{:02x}".format(value) # print("Value {:d} = {:02x}".format(value, value)) # INT16 (-32768 ~ 32767) # UINT16 (0 ~ 65535) elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int16" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint16": min_value = self.config[id]["min_value"] max_value = self.config[id]["max_value"] if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int16": if min_value < -32768: min_value = -32768 if max_value > 32767: max_value = 32767 if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint16": if min_value < 0: min_value = 0 if max_value > 65535: max_value = 65535 value = random.randint(min_value, max_value) payload += "{:04x}".format(value) # print("Value {:d} = {:04x}".format(value, value)) # INT32 (-2147483648 ~ 2147483647) # UINT32 (0 ~ 4294967295) elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int32" or self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint32": min_value = self.config[id]["min_value"] max_value = self.config[id]["max_value"] if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "int32": if min_value < -2147483648: min_value = -2147483648 if max_value > 2147483647: max_value = 2147483647 if self.config[id]["data_type"] == "uint32": if min_value < 0: min_value = 0 if max_value > 4294967295: max_value = 4294967295 value = random.randint(min_value, max_value) payload += "{:08x}".format(value) # print("Value {:d} = {:08x}".format(value, value)) # FLOAT_INT15 (-327.67 ~ 327.67) elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "float_int15": min_value = self.config[id]["min_value"] max_value = self.config[id]["max_value"] if min_value < -327.67: min_value = -327.67 if max_value > 327.67: max_value = 327.67 valueb = round(random.uniform(min_value, max_value), 2) if valueb >= 0: value = int(valueb * 100) else: value = int(valueb * -100) value = self.set_bit(value, 15) payload += "{:04x}".format(value) # print("Value {} -> {} = {:04x}".format(valueb, value, value)) # FLOAT_UINT16 (0 ~ 655.35) elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "float_uint16": min_value = self.config[id]["min_value"] max_value = self.config[id]["max_value"] if min_value < 0: min_value = 0 if max_value > 655.35: max_value = 655.35 valueb = round(random.uniform(min_value, max_value), 2) value = int(valueb * 100) payload += "{:04x}".format(value) # print("Value {} -> {:d} = {:04x}".format(valueb, value, value)) elif self.config[id]["data_type"] == "float": # Generates random value between [min_value] and [max_value] value = round(random.uniform(self.config[id]["min_value"], self.config[id]["max_value"]), 6) # Convert float64 of Python to float32 value = np.float32(value) payload += str(binascii.hexlify(struct.pack('<f', value)), "UTF-8") # Put the last payload into the message queue tx_queue.append(payload) logging.debug("%s message(s) putted into the transmission queue", len(tx_queue)) # Sent messages putted into the queue port = self.config.get("initial_port") for msg in tx_queue: self.lora.sendNoAckMsgHex(port, msg) # self.lora.sendAckMsgHex(port, msg) port += 1 # Release LoRa object self.lora.lock.release() # Awaits the sampling period time.sleep(self.config.get("sampling_period"))